“Reality burst open.” “Give me some proof of God!” “Longing and denial. Trust and distrust. I don’t know if love is proof of God’s existence, or if love is God himself.” “For you, love and God are the same.” “That thought helps me in my emptiness and my dirty despair. Suddenly the emptiness turns into abundance, and despair into life.”
为什么评分不高好奇怪啊我觉得大表姐也是蛮拼的不管是被虐还是尺度但不是李冰冰那种拼莫名有点珊莎的气质似乎这一切本该如此BORN TO BE我的师妹不可能是傻白甜特别是叉开双腿那一场哇咔咔汉子直接怂了相比之下《继姆的吐息动漫在线观看》里的龙妈太弱了欧洲/俄罗斯/美国三种腔调还是很贴合的配角熟脸们也都很出彩