温馨感人好想有这样几十年的闺蜜每集都有泪点一口气两天看完了十集不得不感叹原生家庭的影响Tully自己从小缺少父爱母爱长大后也很逃避亲密关系Katie的妈妈婚外恋自己也和家长会的单身爸爸搞暧昧结尾是几个生活并非一帆风顺却是勇敢做自我的中年人sometimes knowing when to let go is the real being brave. 不用活在别人的看法中
3.5 army base背景挺有趣 Luca是不是就爱拍idle summer privileged teens being fed up with life and of course random objects laying around. Kinda tired of it. Fraser is an annoying little punk. Maggie is hot as a f*cking torch. And no midlife bed death? Niice